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Comet shards


A one shot featuring a pair of familiar faces and their first meeting.

Falling Petals


Bachelor project I created in my final year on the Animation Workshop in Viborg.

Falling Petals is about a small fairy named Nil who loses their wings in a traumatizing way. Nil is then unwillingly thrown into the wilderness as they embark on their journey of coming to terms with their new condition. As the story progresses, Nil descends into despair. It is a story about the aftermath of a traumatic event that shows the progression of going from a victim to a survivor.




A four page comic project I created in my second year as Graphic Storyteller student at TAW.

The story follows a small ragdoll creature on a quest to find a Goddess that can grant it its  biggest wish. On its journey it meets a round elephant/rabbit creature, and a friendship slowly blooms between the two.



A comic project created in my first year at TAW.

The comic was created to be a webcomic, but it was discountinued after I finished the assignment.

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